

Together 是针对受儿童癌症影响的人群提供的新资源——包括患者及其父母、家人和朋友。



显示 241-250 在......之外 1140 条款


  • Complementary And Alternative Medicine

    (KOM-pleh-MEN-tuh-ree... all-TER-nuh-tiv MEH-dih-sin)

    Forms of treatment that are used in addition to (complementary) or instead of (alternative) standard treatments. These practices generally are not considered standard medical approaches. Standard treatments go through a long and careful research process to prove they are safe and effective, but less is known about most types of complementary and alternative medicine. Complementary and alternative medicine may include dietary supplements, megadose vitamins, herbal preparations, special teas, acupuncture, massage therapy, magnet therapy, spiritual healing, and meditation. Also called CAM.

  • Complementary therapy

    Therapies used in addition to conventional therapy. Some complementary therapies may help relieve certain symptoms of cancer, relieve side effects of conventional cancer therapy, or improve a patient's sense of well-being.

  • Complete blood count

    (kum-PLEET blud kownt)

    A measure of the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in the blood. The amount of hemoglobin (substance in the blood that carries oxygen) and the hematocrit (the amount of whole blood that is made up of red blood cells) are also measured. A complete blood count is used to help diagnose and monitor many conditions.

  • Complete remission

    (kum-PLEET reh-MIH-shun)

    The disappearance of all signs of cancer in response to treatment. This does not always mean the cancer has been cured.

  • Compliance


    The act of following a medical regimen or schedule correctly and consistently, including taking medicines or following a diet.

  • Complication


    In medicine, a medical problem that occurs during a disease, or after a procedure or treatment. The complication may be caused by the disease, procedure, or treatment or may be unrelated to them.

  • Comprehensive cancer center

    (KOM-pree-HEN-siv KAN-ser ...)

    A cancer research center that gets support from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to do cancer research and provide services directly to cancer patients. Scientists and doctors at these centers do basic laboratory research and clinical trials, and they study the patterns, causes, and control of cancer in groups of people. Also, they take part in multicenter clinical trials, which enroll patients from many parts of the country. Comprehensive Cancer Centers also give cancer information to health care professionals and the public.

  • Comprehensive pediatric cancer center

    (KOM-pree-HEN-siv pee-dee-A-trik ...)

    A cancer research center that gets support from the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Scientists and doctors at these centers do basic laboratory research and clinical trials on childhood cancers, and they study the patterns, causes, and control of cancer in groups of children. Also, they treat patients from many parts of the country and give cancer information to health care professionals and the public.

  • Compression


    A pressing or squeezing together. In medicine, it can describe a structure, such as a tumor, that presses on another part of the body, such as a nerve. It can also describe the flattening of soft tissue, such as the breast, that occurs during a mammogram (x-ray of the breast).

  • Computed Tomography

    (kum-PYOO-teh-RIZED toh-MAH-gruh-fee)

    A procedure that uses a computer linked to an x-ray machine to make a series of detailed pictures of areas inside the body. The pictures are taken from different angles and are used to create 3-dimensional (3-D) views of tissues and organs. A dye may be injected into a vein or swallowed to help the tissues and organs show up more clearly. A computerized tomography may be used to help diagnose disease, plan treatment, or find out how well treatment is working.