IV stands for intravenous (inside the vein). An IV is a small tube called a catheter. It is inserted into a vein. The IV is about the size of a small straw or coffee stirrer.
Your child may need an IV for several reasons. It can be used to deliver fluids, medicines, or nutrients into the body. An IV can also be used to remove blood for laboratory tests. An IV can decrease the number of needle sticks needed for intravenous treatment or blood samples.
IVs may stay in for up to 3–4 days. Patients who need chemotherapy or other procedures that require access to veins over an extended period of time often get central venous access devices. They are designed to stay in the body more than a few days. However, even patients with these devices may need IVs to receive certain liquids. For example, an IV may be needed to deliver contrast agents for diagnostic imaging tests such as X-rays, computed tomography (CT) scans, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
An IV is inserted using a small needle. Once the IV tube is in place, the needle is removed.
Since IV placement involves a needle, your child will have some pain. A medicine such as lidocaine may be used to numb the area where the IV will be placed. Your child will still feel the pressure of the needle going into the skin. But the medicine should remove the pain.
A nurse ties a tourniquet and presses to find the best vein for an IV. The nurse cleans the area where she will place the IV.
While one staff member stabilizes the patient’s arm, another nurse inserts the needle into the patient’s hand.
The needle is attached to the IV tube. Once the tube is in place, the nurse removes the needle.
The IV is taped in place. A dressing or plastic cover may also be used to protect the IV.
The nurse tests the IV to make sure it is working properly.
The IV is ready to be used.
The patient is then ready for procedures that require an IV. It will remain in the vein until the tube is taken out later.
"I just close my eyes and take deep breaths. I don't focus on the needle. I don't look. I don't get them to count. I feel like, once the initial stick is done, you can deal with it.
"You can do anything for 10 seconds. So I think like that when I get one. At this point, I've had so many, it's not a big deal. But I just breathe deeply or focus on something else. Like I'll grab my mom or dad's hand and squeeze it to focus on that."
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Reviewed: June 2018
Chemotherapy treats cancer using medicines that work by interfering with cells as they divide. Learn more about chemo and how to prepare your child for it.
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Learn about various types of childhood and adolescent cancers. Explore comprehensive information to better understand pediatric cancer.