Respiratory illnesses such as flu and COVID-19 are often caused by a virus. These infections can spread from person to person. Symptoms can range from mild to severe. In most cases, you can care for someone with a viral respiratory infection at home.
It’s important to:
Talk to your health care provider about symptoms that worry you. The list above includes some of the more common warning signs. There may be others. In a medical emergency, call 911.
Keep the patient away from other people to reduce the risk of spreading the virus to others.
Clean household items and surfaces, especially those used by the patient.
Take care handling patient items, especially if they may have body fluids on them.
Supply Checklist for Home Care
Take these actions to protect yourself and others from the flu and help stop the spread of germs.
Make sure that all family members take steps to prevent infection inside and outside the home.
If your child has a weak immune system or other medical condition, close monitoring is especially important. Contact your health care provider to let them know your child may have been exposed to a sick person, especially if your child shows symptoms.
Reviewed: January 2024
Influenza (flu) is a respiratory illness caused by a virus. Some people are at higher risk for flu complications. Learn how to prevent and treat the flu.
Flu vaccines are generally recommended for everyone over 6 months of age. But there are some exceptions. Learn why an annual flu shot is important.
Fever is one of the most common symptoms of COVID-19. However, people with COVID-19 may sometimes have a low-grade fever or no fever at all. Learn more.