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The following activities can be done with the ball given to your child in their Therapy to Go bag.

Targeted skills

  • Gross motor: reaching, sitting or standing balance, strength
  • Hand-eye coordination
  • Sensory tolerance and exposure
  • Communication: understanding directions
Small purple ball

First time doing this activity? Find tips and more information.


  • Be patient with your child. Give them enough time to complete each activity.
  • Show your child how to do each activity before asking them to do it.
  • Help your child as needed.
  • The ball is not hard and is generally safe. Still, do not throw the ball hard or near your child’s head.


Feel the ball

  1. Hold the ball in your hands.
  2. Help your child touch and feel the ball’s texture.
  3. Hand them the ball to hold. Encourage them to feel the textures on the ball.

Roll the ball

  1. Sit on the floor with your child.
  2. Roll the ball back and forth with your child.

Stand with 1 leg on ball

  1. Place the ball on the floor.
  2. Have your child stand next to the ball.
  3. Have your child keep 1 leg on the floor and raise the other leg.
  4. Have your child place their raised leg on top of the ball.
  5. Have your child hold their balance with 1 foot on the ball.
Person's foot on top of ball

Kick the ball

  1. Place the ball on the floor.
  2. Have your child kick the ball with 1 leg.
  3. Practice kicking the ball with the other leg.
Person kicking purple ball

Slide with the ball

  1. Place the ball on top of a slide.
  2. Have your child climb up to get the ball.
  3. Have your child slide down the slide while holding the ball.


  1. Hide the ball under a blanket.
  2. Take the blanket off the ball and show the ball to your child. Show excitement and surprise when exposing the ball.

Play catch

  1. Show your child how to toss the ball.
  2. Show your child how to catch the ball.
  3. Toss the ball back and forth with your child.
Two people playing catch with small purple ball

Reviewed: July 2024