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Together is a new resource for anyone affected by pediatric cancer - patients and their parents, family members, and friends.
Learn MoreBabies are born wired to learn and connect with the world around them.
Young brains develop at a rapid pace. Many developmental milestones occur during infant, toddler, and preschool years.
In some cases, cancer and its treatment may delay when children will reach certain milestones, according to researchers at the National Institutes of Health.
Not every child with cancer will experience delays. But they are a possibility.
The brain is a hotbed of activity during a child’s early years.
According to the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University:
To learn more about brain development, watch this video from the Center on the Developing Child.
Certain factors may affect development in young cancer patients:
It is possible that children treated for cancer before age 4 may take longer than other children to achieve certain milestones in areas such as vocabulary, motor skills, and brain functions such as attention and executive functioning.
Some children may be at risk for delays in social and emotional skills. But studies show that most young cancer patients do not fall behind their peers in these areas.
Delays may occur during and after treatment. Talk to your care team about how cancer and its treatment may affect your child’s development.
Young children with cancer might benefit from early interventions such as physical, occupational, or language therapy. When not addressed, small problems can sometimes snowball into larger issues. For example, a child who has trouble with speech may grow frustrated and stop trying to learn.
Speak to the care team about activities parents can do with your child to help him or her build social, language, and pre-reading skills. This time together can have an impact on brain development, behavior, and social skills.
One potential resource available to parents in each state is early intervention services. Each state has an early intervention system to help eligible infants and toddlers with developmental delays or disabilities.
These publicly funded programs provide services for free or at reduced cost.
Early intervention focuses on helping children under 3 learn skills that typically develop during this stage:
Services may include physical, occupational, speech or other types of therapy.
To learn more about brain development, watch this video from the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University.
Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University - http://developingchild.harvard.edu
Reviewed: October 2019
Vaccines are an important way to protect against certain illnesses. Learn about immunization schedules and vaccines in children with cancer and other illnesses.
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