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Integrative Medicine Service

What is integrative medicine?

Integrative medicine works alongside standard medical care to help manage the symptoms and side effects of treatment. This approach focuses on the whole person—body, mind, and spirit.

These therapies may:

  • Help you manage difficult symptoms and side effects (such as stress, pain, nausea, or anxiety)
  • Improve your quality of life
  • Enhance your response to treatment
  • Help prevent illness
  • Promote overall health and wellness

Integrative medicine is:

  • Used along with other treatments
  • Centered on the patient
  • Based on scientific evidence

The Integrative Medicine team

The Integrative Medicine team includes experts in mind and body practices, natural products, and lifestyle changes. We can see patients in the hospital or in clinic.

We are here to answer your questions and offer help. Our offerings may help you better cope with the treatments you receive.

What we offer:

Mind-body and energy practices

There are several ways to work on the mind and body connection. Our team can discuss, offer, or support the use of these practices:

  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Guided imagery
  • Clinical hypnosis
  • Aromatherapy
  • Massage therapy
  • Reiki – This therapy uses energy to reduce stress and anxiety while helping the patient relax.

Natural products

Acupoint therapy – This therapy can be acupuncture (placement of small, sterile needles) and/or acupressure (massage or manual pressure) of key points on the body. Our trained experts can discuss the use of acupoint therapy with you, even if you decide not to try it. Acupoint therapy is commonly used for nausea, headaches, chronic pain, or other issues.

Many times, friends or family members suggest supplements and other natural products for patients. It is not always possible to know how these products may react in children or work with other medications. The Integrative Medicine team can discuss these products with you and your child’s primary doctor to help make a plan that is reasonable and safe.

Lifestyle changes

Some patients and families want to know how to improve the health and wellness of their entire family. Our team of experts can discuss the pillars of health with you. These include nutrition, exercise, and sleep.

How do I get a referral?

Ask your primary St. Jude doctor if a referral to Integrative Medicine is right for you. Call 901-595-5372 for more information.

 Reviewed: July 2022