Monoclonal Antibody
Brand names:
Other names:
ch14.18, anti-GD2 antibody
Often used for:
Dinutuximab is a type of monoclonal antibody. The medicine may be given in the clinic or in the hospital. It is administered by IV during a long infusion for multiple days in a row. Dinutuximab is usually used in combination with other medicines.
May be given as a liquid into a vein by IV
Not all patients who take dinutuximab will experience these side effects. Common side effects are in bold, but there may be others. Please report all suspected side effects to your doctor or pharmacist.
Some patients may experience long-term or late effects of treatment that may continue or develop months or years after treatment ends. Dinutuximab is a relatively new medicine. At this time, there are no known late effects.
Be sure to discuss these and other recommendations with your doctor or pharmacist.