Complementary approaches such as mind-body therapies can help children and teens cope with illness.
Complementary approaches are health practices that are used along with other treatments but are not part of standard medical care. Complementary therapies may help your child:
Complementary approaches, used by themselves, cannot cure or lessen a disease. Your health care provider may treat your child with complementary approaches and standard medical treatments. Using both types of treatment together is known as integrative medicine.
Types of complementary approaches include natural or nutritional products, mind-body therapies, and other practices. These techniques use mental focus, movement, breathing, body work, and other strategies to promote relaxation and relieve symptoms.
Other approaches include complementary medicine practices such as traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda (traditional medicine from India).
Complementary therapies and integrative medicine approaches may help your child manage symptoms and side effects such as:
Complementary therapies can have other positive effects. These practices may help your child:
Many complementary approaches are safe and work well. But they are still treatments and should be taken seriously. Just because a product is available or worked for someone else, does not mean it is safe. Also, there may be limited information on how well these approaches work for children or for your child’s condition.
Be aware that some complementary approaches or products:
Check with your child's care team before using any complementary approach, even if your child used it before their diagnosis.
Your care team can:
To find a qualified integrative medicine or complementary health practitioner:
The Together by St. Jude™ online resource does not endorse any branded product mentioned in this article.
Reviewed: September 2024
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