You have been asked to give your child factor medicine at home through an intravenous (IV) catheter, a tube that is placed in a vein using a needle. Factor helps manage your child’s bleeding disorder.
This information will tell you how to start the IV and how to infuse (give) the factor medicine through the IV.
Your care team will teach you how to start the IV and give the infusion. If you are unsure about a step or have any questions, please ask. Always follow the instructions given to you by your care team. Read these instructions and prepare your supplies before you begin.
These are the supplies you will need to start the IV and give the factor:
Before you begin, make sure you have the proper supplies. If you run low on any supplies, please tell your clinic nurse. The supplies will be ordered for you.
Before giving any new medicine to your child, read the “Patient Medication” handout for the medicine. Or ask your child’s doctor, nurse, or pharmacist these questions:
A tourniquet is a small, flexible band that is used to apply pressure to the arm to stop blood flow in the area for a short time so that the veins are easier to see.
Place the tourniquet firmly around the arm. It should be about 3 inches above where the needle will be inserted. The tourniquet should be tight, but it should not cause discomfort.
Look and feel for the vein. Good spots to look are the:
Start looking low on the arm and move up the arm as needed. If you do not see a vein, you can feel for one with your finger, not your thumb. If you cannot find a vein, release the tourniquet, and repeat the steps on the opposite arm.
If you are having trouble finding a vein:
Locate the vein and insert the needle into the skin with the bevel pointing up.
Rotate to a new site with each infusion.
Report any fever or other signs of infection (redness, swelling, or drainage) to your care team right away.
If you see signs of infection or have other questions or concerns, please call the Hematology clinic at 901-595-5041. If you are calling after hours or on the weekend, dial 901-595-3300 and ask for the nursing coordinator or the doctor on call. If you are outside the Memphis area, dial toll-free 1-866-278-5833 and press 0 when the call connects.
Reviewed: September 2024