The Infusion Center is where your child gets medicines and treatments ordered by the doctor. (This area used to be known as the Medicine Room.) In the Infusion Center, your child may get:
The center is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays.
Nurses Station in the Infusion Center
Please bring all the medicines that your child will need during the day. You might need to stay longer than you expect if your schedule changes.
Your child needs an ID armband before going to the Infusion Center. Go to Patient Registration first to get your child’s armband and appointment schedule.
Your child usually has a clinic visit before going to the Infusion Center. The doctor will order medicines or other treatments. The time between your clinic visit and the Infusion Center visit will be 90–120 minutes. This allows time for staff to prepare medication or blood products and to do safety checks. When you arrive in the St. Jude Infusion Center, staff will complete a series of safety checks before working with your child.
The primary clinics and Acute Care Clinic close at 5 p.m. If your child has an urgent need after hours, please call the Infusion Center. A nurse and provider will review your child’s information and symptoms. They will then decide if your child should be seen in the Infusion Center or should go to a local emergency room.
Please let the patient representative at the Infusion Center desk know you have arrived.
You can enjoy activities nearby while the staff prepares your child’s medicine or treatments. Activity areas are in the north and south lobbies of the Patient Care Center. You may also visit the gift shop, Kay Kafe, or Starbucks.
If you leave the Infusion Center waiting area near the fish tanks, please make sure the patient representative knows your phone number.
Your time is valuable, and the Infusion Center staff try to stay on time. If it is 30 minutes past your scheduled time, please ask the patient representative or clinical staff leader for an update.
A nurse will call you to the Infusion Center when everything is ready. If you need a blanket, snacks, games, movies, or anything else to make your visit more comfortable, ask any of the staff. Feel free to bring your child’s favorite quiet toys.
It takes up to 2 hours to get medications, blood, and treatments ready after the doctor orders them in the clinic.
Medicines that your child takes at least 2 days in a row usually start around the same time each day. If your child gets GCSF or pegfilgrastim, they get the first dose in the Infusion Center at least 24 hours after the end of chemotherapy.
Ask your nurse about your child’s next appointment time before you leave the Infusion Center.
Reviewed: August 2022