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Alpha Thalassemia Trait

What is alpha thalassemia trait?

Alpha thalassemia trait is a change (mutation) in a gene that helps make in . People with the trait have missing or damaged genes. The genes for alpha thalassemia trait are inherited, or passed from parents to children, like hair color or eye color.

A trait is different from a disease

Alpha thalassemia trait is not a disease. Most people with alpha thalassemia trait have no signs or symptoms of illness. The trait can sometimes cause mild . But it normally does not cause serious problems.

What is alpha thalassemia?

Alpha thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder that causes you to make fewer red blood cells and less hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein that carries oxygen from the lungs to all parts of your body. There are two parts of hemoglobin: alpha globin and beta globin. 

Certain genes control how the body makes hemoglobin. When these genes are changed or missing, thalassemia occurs. The specific hemoglobin protein affected in alpha thalassemia is the alpha globin.

People with alpha thalassemia have fewer alpha globin genes than normal. Normally, people have 4 genes for alpha globin. People with alpha thalassemia mutations can be missing 1, 2, 3, or 4 alpha globin genes.

Parents who have alpha thalassemia trait can pass the genes on to their children. Their children might be at risk for more severe alpha thalassemia including hemoglobin H disease or hydrops fetalis.

Risk factors for alpha thalassemia trait

Alpha thalassemia is common in people whose ancestors came from Africa, Southern China, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean region. It is possible for a person of any nationality to have alpha thalassemia trait.

Tests for alpha thalassemia

A blood test can let you know if you have alpha thalassemia trait. It may be done as part of genetic screening. Your doctor may also recommend the test if someone in your family has alpha thalassemia. 

There are 2 types of alpha thalassemia trait: trans and cis.

  1. Trans type (α-/α-): People with this type of alpha thalassemia trait have 1 alpha globin gene missing on each chromosome. If both parents have the trans form of alpha thalassemia trait, all of their children will have alpha thalassemia trait. The trans form is more common in people of African descent.
  2. Cis type (αα/--): People with the cis type of alpha thalassemia trait have 2 missing alpha globin genes on the same chromosome. The cis form is more common in people of Asian descent.

Silent carrier of alpha thalassemia

People with 1 missing or damaged alpha globin gene (αα/α-) are called silent carriers of alpha thalassemia. This means they can pass on the condition of having 1 gene missing. The missing gene does not affect their health or the way they feel. This is also called alpha thalassemia minima.

  • A silent carrier does not have any symptoms.
  • If you are a silent carrier, you do not have hemoglobin H disease and cannot develop it later in life.
Alpha Thalassemia Trait

People with 2 missing or damaged alpha globin genes (αα/-- or α-/α-) have alpha thalassemia trait. This is how alpha thalassemia trait is inherited.

Alpha thalassemia trait

People with 2 missing or damaged alpha globin genes (αα/-- or α-/α-) have alpha thalassemia trait. This is also called alpha thalassemia minor.

This normally does not cause serious health problems. In some cases, it can cause low red blood cell counts and small red blood cells and may cause mild symptoms.

If you have alpha thalassemia trait, you do not have hemoglobin H disease and cannot develop it later in life.

Hemoglobin H disease

People with 3 damaged or missing genes alpha globin genes have hemoglobin H disease (α-/--). This is how hemoglobin H disease is inherited.

Hemoglobin H disease

People with 3 damaged or missing genes alpha globin genes have hemoglobin H disease (α-/--). This condition causes health problems. People with hemoglobin H disease need medical treatment.

  • If one parent has the cis form of alpha thalassemia trait (αα/--), and the other parent is a silent carrier (αα/α-), there is a 1 in 4 (25%) chance with each pregnancy of having a child with hemoglobin H disease.
  • People with hemoglobin H disease can have an enlarged spleen, low red blood cell counts, and gallstones. They also may have other health problems.
  • Hemoglobin H disease is a lifelong illness that needs medical care.
Hydrops fetalis

People with 4 damaged or missing genes have hydrops fetalis (--/--). This is how hydrops fetalis is inherited.

Hydrops fetalis

People with 4 damaged or missing genes have hydrops fetalis (--/--). This is a life-threatening condition. Hydrops fetalis usually causes death before or shortly after birth.

  • If both parents have the cis form of alpha thalassemia trait (αα/--), there is a 1 in 4 (25%) chance with each pregnancy of having a child with hydrops fetalis.
  • Babies born with hydrops fetalis normally do not live because they cannot make enough hemoglobin.

Newborn screening test: Bart’s hemoglobin

A finding of Bart’s hemoglobin on the newborn screening test means that there are alpha globin gene mutations. The baby might have alpha thalassemia trait, alpha thalassemia, or hydrops fetalis.

  • If a small amount of Bart’s hemoglobin is present at birth, it will usually disappear shortly after birth. This means your child has 1 or 2 missing genes and has alpha thalassemia trait or is a silent carrier. Normally, a second newborn screening test will not detect this condition.
  • If a large amount of Bart’s hemoglobin and hemoglobin H genes are present at birth, it usually means the baby has hemoglobin H disease (a 3 gene deletion).
  • Hydrops fetalis is a condition that results from a 4 gene deletion. Usually, a baby will not survive unless it has a blood transfusion while in the womb and continues blood transfusions after birth until a permanent treatment, such as bone marrow transplant, is offered.

If your child’s newborn screening test showed Bart’s hemoglobin, talk to your doctor about next steps and follow up care. Alpha thalassemia can cause low red blood cells (anemia). This is different from not having enough iron in the blood.

Your child’s treatment will depend on the type of alpha thalassemia. Early medical care for alpha thalassemia is important to prevent and manage health problems.

Alpha thalassemia should not be treated with iron because it will not help. Alpha thalassemia can be treated with iron only if the person has low iron levels in addition to alpha thalassemia. Your doctor will tell you if this happens.

Key points about alpha thalassemia trait

  • People with alpha thalassemia trait usually do not have any health problems caused by the trait.
  • Parents who have alpha thalassemia trait can pass it on to their children. Also, their children might be at risk for hemoglobin H disease or hydrops fetalis.
  • Hemoglobin H is a blood disorder that requires medical treatment.
  • Hydrops fetalis is usually fatal before or shortly after birth.
  • Bart’s hemoglobin on the newborn screening test may indicate alpha thalassemia.
  • Early medical care for alpha thalassemia is important to prevent and manage health problems.

Reviewed: January 2024

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