Candida is a common fungus that is normally kept under control by a healthy immune system.
Candida is a type of fungus that is common in the body of healthy people. Most babies acquire Candida soon after birth.
They might develop a mild infection in the mouth called “thrush.” It looks like white spots on the tongue, palate, and inside the cheeks.
Candida is usually kept under control by good bacteria in the body and by a healthy immune system. Patients with low blood counts are at risk for a Candida infection. Use of antibiotics may also increase the risk of a Candida infection.
A fungus is a primitive organism. Mushrooms, mold and mildew are examples. Fungi live in air, in soil, on plants and in water. Some live in the human body. Only about half of all types of fungi are harmful.
Washing hands with soap and water is the best way to prevent Candida infection.
A Candida infection can develop in almost any part of the body. The first sign of a serious fungal infection is usually a fever that does not go away with antibiotics. The doctor will give your child an antifungal drug if needed.
If you have questions about Candida or fungal infections, please talk to your child’s care team.
Reviewed: May 2022
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