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Showing 71-80 out of 1157 Terms

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  • Aseptic Necrosis

    (ay-SEP-tik neh-KROH-sis)

    A condition in which there is a loss of blood flow to bone tissue, which causes the bone to die. It is most common in the hips, knees, shoulders, and ankles. It may be caused by long-term use of steroid medicines, alcohol abuse, joint injuries, and certain diseases, such as cancer and arthritis. It may also occur at some point in time after cancer treatment that included methotrexate, bisphosphonates, or corticosteroids. Also called avascular necrosis, ischemic necrosis, and osteonecrosis.

  • Aspartate Transaminase

    (as-PAR-tayt tranz-A-mih-nays)

    An enzyme found in the liver, heart, and other tissues. A high level of aspartate transaminase released into the blood may be a sign of liver or heart damage, cancer, or other diseases. Also called serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase and SGOT.

  • Aspergillosis


    An infectious fungal disease that occurs most often in the skin, ears, nasal sinuses, and lungs of people with suppressed immune systems.

  • Aspergillus


    Fungi commonly found in soil. Certain types of Aspergillus may cause disease, especially in people who have suppressed immune systems.

  • Aspirate


    Refers to fluid, tissue, or other substance that is withdrawn from a body cavity, cyst, or tumor. Refers to the act of withdrawing the fluid, tissue, or other substance through a needle. It also refers to the accidental breathing in of food or fluid into the lungs. This can cause serious problems, such as pneumonia and other lung problems.

  • Aspiration


    To draw out by suction.

  • Assent process

    (uh-SENT PRAH-ses)

    A process that is required by law in which children or adolescents are given easy-to-understand information about a clinical trial to help them decide if they want to take part in the trial. The patient is given a chance to ask questions about what will happen during the trial, why its being done, and what they will be asked to do. Formal consent to enter the trial comes from the parent or guardian.

  • Astrocytes


    A large, star-shaped cell that holds nerve cells in place and helps them develop and work the way they should. An astrocyte is a type of glial cell.

  • Ataxia


    Loss of muscle coordination.

  • Ataxia-telangiectasia


    A rare, inherited, progressive, degenerative disease of childhood that causes loss of muscle control, a weakened immune system, and an increased risk of cancer.