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Showing 331-340 out of 1156 Terms

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  • Diagnostic procedure

    (DY-ug-NAH-stik proh-SEE-jer)

    A type of test used to help diagnose a disease or condition. Mammograms and colonoscopies are examples of diagnostic procedures. Also called diagnostic test.

  • Diagnostic technique

    (DY-ug-NAH-stik tek-NEEK)

    A type of method or test used to help diagnose a disease or condition. Imaging tests and tests to measure blood pressure, pulse, and temperature are examples of diagnostic techniques.

  • Diagnostic trial

    (DY-ug-NAH-stik TRY-ul)

    A research study that evaluates methods of detecting disease.

  • Dialysis


    The process of filtering the blood when the kidneys are not able to cleanse it.

  • Diamond-Blackfan


    A very rare disorder in which the bone marrow doesnt make enough red blood cells. It is usually seen in the first year of life. Patients may have deformed thumbs and other physical problems. They also have an increased risk of leukemia and sarcoma, especially osteosarcoma (bone cancer).

  • Diaphragm


    The thin muscle below the lungs and heart that separates the chest from the abdomen.

  • Diarrhea


    Frequent, loose and watery stools.

  • Diet


    The things a person eats and drinks.

  • Dietary counseling

    (DY-uh-TAYR-ee KOWN-suh-ling)

    A process by which a health professional with special training in nutrition helps people make healthy food choices and form healthy eating habits. In cancer treatment, the goal of dietary counseling is to help patients stay healthy during and after treatment and to stay strong enough to fight infections and the recurrence of disease. Also called nutritional counseling.

  • Dietary protocol

    (DY-uh-TAYR-ee PROH-tuh-KOL)

    A detailed diet plan that states what, how, and when a person will eat and drink. It may be used to test how a specific diet affects a health outcome, such as lower cholesterol.