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The inpatient unit for Bone Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapy has safety guidelines that are designed to protect your child.
The Bone Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Unit (Transplant Unit) has more guidelines than other St. Jude clinical area. These guidelines protect transplant patients who have little or no immune systems. All patients and families must follow these rules during their time in the Transplant Unit.
Infection prevention steps are critical for our patients who are treated with bone marrow transplants and cellular therapy. These patients have weak immune systems, so it is hard for them to fight off germs.
All family caregivers and visitors are screened for signs of illness before they enter the Transplant Unit each day. Staff, family caregivers, and visitors must use hand sanitizer or wash hands with soap and water:
If your child is neutropenic (has a low neutrophil white blood cell count), they should wear a face mask when outside of their room. If your child has had an allogeneic bone marrow transplant, they must wear an N95 mask when outside of their room.
While inpatient, your child should stay in the Transplant Unit except for when they go to medical procedures. They should not visit Transplant Unit common areas such as the laundry room or Nutrition Center. Your child is allowed to visit the play area and the physical therapy room. Neither you nor your child may visit another patient room. Talk to your care team for more information.
Take note of these rules when planning a visit to the Transplant Unit. Visiting hours and other rules can change. Please check with the Transplant Unit for current policies.
Your child’s room has a special air handling system that helps lower the number of germs. Please follow all Transplant Unit guidelines to help keep your child safe from infection.
Siblings are welcome to visit in some cases, but they must follow Transplant Unit guidelines.
Siblings must be at least 7 years old to visit. They must be able to follow infection control guidelines. An adult should help younger visitors wash their hands and make sure that their hands are completely clean.
Visitors who are not siblings of the patient must be at least 16 years old.
There are 2 exceptions to the age limits:
Always watch your children closely while at St. Jude. Do not allow them to roam freely.
Each inpatient room has an attached parent room. Take care when going to and from the patient room, parent room, and common areas.
Do not allow anyone to use your child’s bathroom or sit on their bed. These areas are for your child only, even if your child is an infant. This helps lower the number of germs in your child’s room.
If your child is younger than 2 years old, they must sleep in a crib.
Do not allow your child into the parent room. Your child’s room is specially designed to keep air clean.
Do not return any food or drink to the Nutrition Center or to common areas such as the laundry room or play areas once it has been in your child’s room. Throw away opened food and drink when you finish it.
Family caregivers have their own private room that is connected to the patient’s room.
Be sure to keep your child’s room clean and clear of extra personal items. All items in the room should be easy to clean. This includes toys or fun items. Choose items with hard surfaces, such as blocks, plastic dolls, laptops, or hand-held electronic games.
Limit personal items in your child’s room. Keep non-essential items in your room and bring them over to your child’s room as needed. Do not place any items on the floor of your child’s room. The cleaning staff will not move items to clean.
Do not bring flowers, live plants, or latex balloons into the Transplant Unit.
If you bring personal blankets, they must be washed daily. Do not bring stuffed animals, cloth toys, or house slippers with stuffing. Items with stuffing collect germs easily.
Please ask your nurse to call Biomedical Engineering if you bring an item that must be plugged into an outlet. Toys or devices that use batteries or charge by a wall adapter are OK to bring.
Return borrowed DVDs to the nurses’ station. The items will be cleaned before the next patient family uses them.
Good personal hygiene is key to preventing infection while in the Transplant Unit.
Your child should brush their teeth 2 times each day with the toothbrush provided, use mouthwash 3 times a day, and apply lip balm 2 times a day.
Use chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) wipes for daily baths to help prevent infection. If your child has a central line, they should not have tub or shower bath while in the Transplant Unit because of the risk for central line infection. Your care team will let you know if a medical need makes an exception necessary.
Clean your child’s bottom and genital area with perineal wipes 2 times each day as instructed.
Your child cannot wear contact lenses, artificial nails, or pierced jewelry while in the Transplant Unit.
Your child cannot wear a wig while in the Transplant Unit.
If you have questions about the Transplant Unit guidelines, please talk to a member of your care team.